Gender Treachery

Homophobia is, unfortunately, prevalent in many aspects of today's society. As Patrick Hopkins explains in his article "Gender Treachery," it is because "homosexuality is often viewed as a threat to a man's sense of self-his personhood" (129). This is common with many people because if someone encounters something they don't understand or prescribe to, they tend to feel threatened. Many people tend to run away from what they fear. This has permeated into culture that demonizes the LGBTQA community. Many people resort to bullying, name calling of people they deem as 'other' or non heterosexual. Hopkins mentions some ways that he was bullied in school, with the word 'girl.' He claims, "'Girl', like these other terms, signifies a failure of masculinity, a failure of living up to a gendered standard of behavior, and a gendered standard of identity" (130). This statement shows how negative femininity is viewed in society. Hopkins's experience of this kind of bullying is common and encourages young men to look down upon girls. They are taught at a very young age that they should live up to the gendered standards of being a 'masculine boy' and should prescribe to society's gender rolls. These ideas perpetrate troublesome views for boys who think that they are not allowed to behave in a certain way, such as like light colors, wear gendered dresses or cry.

Unfortunately, these kinds of things have been imbedded into my own thoughts ever since I was a little girl. Western ideals of gender has strongly influenced the way I am today. However, I have become more aware of my surroundings and ways of thinking as I have grown older. It is important to note how destructive these ways of thinking can be. These suggestions are very close to everything that we have read this semester.
