Investing in Women

Investing in women is something so simple but so important for the advancement of our society. Women are so vital to the upbringing of children and therefore our future. The article "The Price of Motherhood" by Ann Crittenden clearly demonstrates what a positive impact women can have on society. She claims that research shows that "as women become better educated, they tend to devote more time and attention to their children. Apparently, as women's horizons expand, and their opportunities multiply, their hopes and aspirations for their offspring increase as well. They delay child-bearing, have fewer children, and invest more time and resources in each one. All over the world, across continents and cultures, as women advance, they stop "having babies" and start "raising children" (20).

This article is very relevant today because more and more women in the Western world are becoming college graduates and achieving higher level jobs. This article lead me to a documentary that I saw titled Girl Rising. This is a documentary that focuses on women in developing countries and how something as simple as access to education can change their impact in the world. This movie focuses on women who do not have the privilege to education as we do in the United States or other developed countries. Nonetheless, these young girls are fighting for their rights to education in the way that their male counterparts are expected to go to school and graduate. This documentary shows how brave these girls are despite growing up in patriarchal societies. Many of them have to work at a very young age to provide for their family or have to walk miles to a school that discourages females from attending. We lives in a very privileged society that provides for females to attend school and we must not forget that young girls are still fighting for that right. One example of a girl fighting for this right is  Malala Yousafszai, who demands education in her country and was shot in the head by the Taliban.

The article focuses on how women who are already on their way to graduating can have positive impacts on the world, but this film represents all the other women who are not given that chance and why it's so important to invest in women around the world.

Below is the trailer is anyone would like to see more about the film. I encourage everyone to see this movie because it really impacted me in a positive way and showed me why I should become an advocate for women's rights around the world.
